
Want to work with Amy but not quite ready to jump straight in? Get to know Amy and her content through some of these online courses.

Purchase of a webinar includes access to the recordings and materials for a year, and all webinars feature four, one-hour lessons, unless otherwise specified.

Enrolling Now

The Movement of Money

Money is supposed to move. Sometimes it moves toward us, sometimes it moves away from us. The more money moves around you, the more abundantly you will experience life. You really live a life free from financial struggle by getting your money back in motion!
In this four-part course, you will:
  • Identify what is blocking the movement of money in your life.
  • Learn how people who live in financial abundance think about and interact with money.
  • Take concrete steps to get your money moving again.
  • Redefine and heal your relationship with money.
October 3, 10, 17,  and 24; Noon - 1:00 pm CDT

All classes will be held on zoom and recordings will be available in the online portal for a year. 

Amy's Library of Online Courses

I See You: A Guided Journey Through Amy's First Book


Is your stack of unread books about to topple over in spite of your best intentions and desires to learn and grow? Do you want to read them but just can't seem to make the time?  

I am here to help, and I don't want my first book to simply get added to your ever-growing pile so I have created an online course to guide you through the pages of I See You.  

Highlights of the course include: 

  • Manageable weekly reading "assignments" that will help keep you accountable to reading the book in one month
  • Additional digital resources to support your journey through the book
  • Lots of juicy discussion and insightful teaching about the principles taught in the book
  • An interview with the author—that's me!  As with all of my online courses, one of the sessions is an interview with an author and thought leader.  This time, I'm the one in the hot seat being interviewed!  

Please note that purchase of I See You is required for participation in this webinar. 

Over, Under, Around and Through: Four Powerful Mindset Shifts Needed to Navigate Uncertain Times

In this online course, you'll learn all about the four mindsets that will allow you to go over, under, around and through the challenges of uncertain, tumultuous times. This course also includes a powerful interview with Terry Walling, the author of one of Amy's favorite books, Stuck, in which they discuss the purpose and power of transitions in our lives

  • Overworking doesn't help. Pace yourself.
  • Undervaluing yourself is tempting. Don't do it.
  • Build a team around you. Share the experience with people who make you better.
  • There is no way out but through. Focus on one step at a time

Surrender to Structure 

I’ve spent the past two decades using structure and systems to build successful businesses and teaching others to do the same. What I’ve discovered is that structure is anything but inflexible and painful. When leaders surrender to structure, most actually discover that it is the path to freedom.
Let’s redefine structure, talk about home and office systems that every leader needs, learn how to weave delegation into your systems, and start to understand why structure allows you to truly steward and maximize your unique strengths.

Sayonara Self-Sabotage


Do you ever know what to do to grow your business, to acquire the new client, to earn the next promotion, but for some reason, you just aren't doing it? Logically, you know the rewards from the action would be extremely beneficial, maybe even what you've always dreamed of, yet, life takes over and you get lost in its whirlwind, putting your goals off for another day somewhere in the future.

This, my friends, is called self-sabotage. It is a silent, sneaky foe, and a destroyer of dreams.

Join me as I help you unleash the thought habits that keep you stuck and say once and for all, "Sayonara Self-Sabotage!"

Money Is A Mirror


Money is one of the most powerful mirrors, and it has much to teach us if we simply pay attention. This course will help you understand your relationship with money in an entirely new way!  

Together we will answer some of your most pressing questions about money: Why am I not earning more money? What is keeping money from flowing toward me? What can I learn about myself by looking at my finances? How can I increase my earnings most quickly and create a healthier, happier relationship with money? 

This course includes an interview with Barbara Stanny-Huson, best-selling author of one of Amy's favorite books, Secrets of Six-Figure Women.

Boundaries I: A Boundary Is Not a Wall


Defining and nurturing healthy, life-giving relationships with appropriate boundaries can help you grow your business, career and network. In this webinar, we talk about how to overcome fierce, isolating independence and build a powerful support team, master concrete strategies for managing draining people in your work and life, and learn how to give to others from the overflow of your time, talent and resources.

Boundaries II: A Healthy Boundary Is Not Mean

One of the most well-received courses I’ve ever taught was called “A Boundary Is Not a Wall.” I’ve gotten so many requests from many of you asking for MORE on this topic, so I created a this second offering digging a little deeper! Specifically…

  • How do I create healthy boundaries with the people in my life?
  • How do I know if I’m in a relationship with unhealthy boundaries?
  • How can I create healthy boundaries with my work or business?
  • What words do I use to communicate new boundaries that I know won’t be received well?

Navigating a New Normal 


The world has changed...and it's never going back. Do you feel unsettled? Uncertain? Even scared? I'd love to walk through this time with you. I have no answers or quick fixes but I can offer tools to help you navigate whatever lies ahead.

Can I Get A Little Woo-Woo?

What if our #1 job is to simply keep the passageway open so this energy can flow through us and out into the world?

What if I can help you identify and eliminate the blockage in your life that's keeping you from that energy?

Does that sound a little woo woo? It certainly is, and I LOVE it!

This one-hour webinar is for people who want to learn more about how to be connected to this flow because this is a new thought, need to be reminded of this truth that they have experienced before in a new way, or want to open the passageway for this flow to come more easily through them.

"This entire experience was so much more than just meetings and a workshop. The topics were insightful, meaningful and so very valuable. I have rediscovered my passion for my work and role as a leader."

Kari VeZain, National Sales Manager